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Expat Life Articles

Retire in the Dominican Republic with Casa Linda!

Have you always dreamed of living in Paradise? Retire in the Dominican Republic with Casa Linda and enjoy your well-earned free time in a tropical oasis!  Retirement is an exciting and freeing chapter in a person's life, best spent among friendly people, sandy...

Buy Dominican Republic Real Estate & Become a Canadian Ex-Pat!

Is it your dream to move abroad? As a lifelong Canadian, are you yearning to escape the cold and spend your days on a warm, sunny beach? If you’ve been considering investing in real estate, make your travel dreams come true by purchasing a villa in the Dominican...

6 Pros & Cons: Retiring in the Dominican Republic as an Expat

Do you and your family still reminisce about that unforgettable Caribbean vacation you took all those years ago? Those magical experiences don't need to remain memories! As you approach the golden years of retirement, why not make those memories a reality and retire...

Moving to the Dominican Republic from Colombia? You Need to Know This!

Are you considering moving to the Dominican Republic from Colombia? Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between our two beautiful countries and why relocating to the Dominican is the right choice for you! Over the last 40 years, Casa Linda has...

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