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6 Pros & Cons: Retiring in the Dominican Republic as an Expat

6 Pros & Cons: Retiring in the Dominican Republic as an Expat

Do you and your family still reminisce about that unforgettable Caribbean vacation you took all those years ago? Those magical experiences don’t need to remain memories! As you approach the golden years of retirement, why not make those memories a reality and retire in the tropical paradise of Sosúa, Dominican Republic?

If you are on the fence about relocating to the Dominican, Casa Linda has pulled together a comprehensive pros and cons list about life on the island. Keep reading to find out more!

Pro: Cost of Living

Your money will go further in the Dominican Republic than back home in the United States or Canada. You’re probably wondering: how is it cheaper to retire in a tropical paradise and live a life of luxury without breaking the bank? Well, the truth is your US dollar will go much further in the Caribbean than back home.

Everything is more affordable on the island. Whether purchasing a Casa Linda property or going out to eat and shop around town, life in Dominican paradise is a much more cost-effective way to retire.

Con: Hurry Up & Wait

Unlike the fast-paced North American environment, life in the Dominican Republic is tranquil. You will soon realize that time moves differently on the island. There’s no reason to hurry and stress. This can be a culture shock for many North Americans who are used to a go-go-go lifestyle.

What is retirement for, if not to put your feet up and enjoy life at your own pace? Don’t be surprised when things take longer than expected here in the Dominican.

Pro: Delicious Food

Food is a vital part of Dominican culture; if there’s anything you can count on about the Dominican Republic, it’s eating delicious food. We have lush tropical fruits and starchy vegetables naturally grown on the island.

We love to give huge portion sizes because you need to keep your energy up under the hot sun! Dominican food is all-natural, deliciously seasoned, and grown without steroids. Our food’s freshness and quality far surpass that found in North America.

Con: Driving

You will likely experience culture shock in many ways when moving to the Dominican, but driving is undoubtedly the most surprising. While there are rules to the road, Dominican drivers are different from North Americans!

Drivers have to compete with motorcyclists flying down the roads, pedestrians crossing the road wherever they want, pothole-filled rural roads, and so much more! Driving in the DR is a defensive activity; if you aren’t confident behind the wheel, leave it to the locals!

However, Casa Linda offers a complimentary shuttle bus service to Sosua and Cabarete several times daily, seven days a week. If you want to pop into town, we’ve got you covered.

Pro: Friendly People

If you are from Canada, you know the stereotype that all Canadians are so kind all the time! Dominicans are just as friendly and welcoming, if not more, than Canadians! That is especially true in the Casa Linda community, where a steady population of expats has grown over the past 40 years.

Community is everything in the Dominican, and you will be shocked at how quickly you’re welcomed into your new community. Strangers are willing to lend a helping hand, business owners love to chat with their customers, and friends are easily made around the bar, sipping ice-cold cervezas.

Con: Language Barrier

Learning basic Spanish should become a priority if you are considering permanently retiring in the Dominican Republic and plan to live on the island year-round. While most locals do speak English, you should at least have a few Spanish phrases in your back pocket.

Learning Spanish is a sign of respect to the locals, especially if you plan on living at Casa Linda full-time. You can get by with limited Spanish; learn how to talk to service providers like servers, gardeners, shop owners, etc.

Embrace the Trainquilo Lifestyle

Ready to learn more about investing in a modern luxury villa in the Dominican Republic? Contact Casa Linda today!

From Florida to Paradise: An Overview of Moving to the Dominican Republic

From Florida to Paradise: An Overview of Moving to the Dominican Republic

Are you ready to take your first step from living in Florida to moving to the Dominican Republic (DR)? As one of the top destinations for expats worldwide, the DR is a diverse and thriving nation with plenty of opportunities to explore, relax, and enjoy a new tropical lifestyle. At Casa Linda, our villas can make your new life in the Dominican Republic one filled with luxury and new friends.

Next, we will tell you more about life in the Dominican Republic so you can feel prepared when you decide to move. Keep reading to find out more!

Embrace the Dominican Way of Living

While life in Florida is centred around this “go, go, go” mentality, life in the Dominican Republic is much more laid back and relaxed. At first, some expats may find adjusting to this relaxed change of pace a bit difficult. Still, you’ll quickly discover that living in leisure is a far more enjoyable experience than the rat race many Westerners are used to. From appointments and bus schedules to conversations and even dinner parties with friends, we tend to move at a slower pace; this is the life tranquilo!

Explore New Daily Activities!

Embracing a life of tranquillity can take some time as you climatize to your new life. However, at Casa Linda, many of our villa owners grow to enjoy the freedom of living at a less frantic pace. Once you move to the Dominican Republic and settle down, you have the island at your fingertips!

If you want to fill your days soaking up the sun, playing backgammon, taking up a new watersport, or exploring one of the island’s many cigar or rum factories, you have plenty of time and opportunity to do so. With the Dominican Republic’s rich history, culture, and various activities, filling your days with fun is easy!

Don’t Fret About Your Healthcare and Wellbeing

If you have concerns regarding your health or access to treatment once you move to the Dominican Republic, don’t worry! The DR is home to a state-of-the-art healthcare system, including high-end facilities, highly experienced medical experts, and easy access to the treatment you need. In fact, with the affordable cost of living in the Dominican Republic, your medical bills will often be less than they were back home in Florida!

A Note on Residency and Visas

Before moving to the Dominican Republic, it is crucial to be aware that before obtaining permanent residency (PR), visitors are only allowed to stay up to 60 days. While this may be extended up to 120 days, if you plan to live on the island full-time, you’ll need to consider gaining your PR status.

Familiarity and Infrastructure

Finally, many expats living in Casa Linda’s luxury villas are often surprised by how familiar our gated community and the island feel. This is because our communities are filled with folks from all walks of life with similar interests and experiences as you and because the Dominican Republic has much of the same infrastructure as the United States. From high-speed internet, cable, and telephone systems to popular Western brands in stores, the Dominican Republic can feel a lot like living in Florida, except it’s warmer, sunnier, and more affordable all year round!

Ready to Pack Your Bags?

With several luxury villa floorplans to choose from, moving to the Dominican Republic with the help of Casa Linda means starting your next phase of life in a tropical paradise! So what are you waiting for? Contact Casa Linda today to learn more about moving to the DR from Florida.