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Health Benefits to Being in Dominican Republic

Mar 20, 2019 | Expat Life, Health and Wellness in Dominican Republic


Health Benefits

To Living in Dominican Republic

There are many positive benefits to living in the Dominican Republic. The tropical island boasts many unique qualities that can be beneficial for a person’s body, mind, and spirit. These are the top health benefits of being in the Dominican Republic:

sunshine on beach

Mood Boosting Sunshine!

The Dominican Republic has a tropical climate with very little variations in temperature. Even the coolest month boasts an average temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.  We can get our fill of Vitamin D from its sunshine, which increases mood and has positive health benefits.


Local Culture of Relaxation

The Dominican lifestyle is one that promotes living a restful and relaxing life.  Some members of the local community encourage a mañana or tranquilo attitude, an outlook that encourages living in the moment as stress-free as possible.  The pace of life slows down, and relaxation goes up.  Count on a reduction in stress and that racing around feeling.


no winter in dominican republic

No winter!

In the Dominican, you will not be dealing with snow, ice, shovels, winter tires, or scrapers. You will not need warm coats, hats, scarfs or mittens. Winter can take its toll on the physical and mental health of those who live through it, and living in the tropical climate of the Dominican will ensure you avoid the “winter blues”, chilled bones, and seasonal moodiness!


Good quality healthcare

The Dominican Republic has a well-renowned health care system with doctors who are trained to the same standards as other nations.  It is also affordable.


Nature is healing

Nature can have powerful effects on health. The island on which the Dominican Republic is part (Hispaniola) has many of nature’s best marvels, like towering mountain ranges, secret caves, and beautiful hiking trails. The highest peak in the Caribbean (Pico Duarte) is here, as is the deepest lake (Lake Enriquillo).  Just being near the ocean has proven to be cathartic.  Living among nature’s beauty can improve mental and physical health.

Relaxing on the beach Relaxing And Reading On The Beach

Playing in the sea water and the beaches

Swimming in the salty sea water is well-documented to be a rejuvenating experience. Whether you dip your toes in or fully submerge, salt water may benefit your skin, circulation and immune system. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the Caribbean Ocean in the south, The Dominican Republic has over 1000 miles of beautiful coastline with white sand beaches. The salt water air and soft sand can invite positivity and promote relaxation in everyone.


Cost of living and Fresh Food

The cost of living in the Dominican is low, compared to Europe and North America. Because finances can be a source of stress for many people, living in the Dominican can reduce the impact of this stressor.  The prices of fresh produce and fruits and veggies is so much lower.  Eating in restaurants becomes affordable again and you can hear the sound of the waves as you dine.  Fresh fish and meats are less expensive.   Overall, your cost of living, is far lower and your access to affordable, healthy food is much easier.

dominican relaxation on beach

Socializing with Community Members

The Dominican Republic is becoming more popular – not only as a destination vacation spot, but also as a place to permanently place in your roots. As such, there is a community of expats to engage and socialize with – both of which are essential to mental health and longevity!  Having friends with similar interests is a necessary part of loving life.  Here on the north coast, we have a large community of expats who are just like you!


More outdoor living

Living in the tropical climate of the Dominican Republic is likely to encourage you to be outside more. There are simply more opportunities to engage in fresh-air, fun, and healthy activities, such as walking, biking, hiking, and water activities.

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health benefits to living in dominican republic


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