Owner Stories
We have some pretty special owners.
Each with a great story.

Hank and Myra
Retired, Full Time in DR
…”we were going to winter in our coach motorhome, but found our gas bill in Arizona to be over $400/month! When we head south we want to be warm! The DR has it all – great weather, reasonable prices, large community, and a wonderful lifestyle! Our Casa Linda house has everything we need, including a lot of great friends around us…”

Derek and Leslie
Still Working, Vacation in the DR, Rent Their Villa
…“we’ve been coming to the DR for many years. We love the weather, people, and now our villa and the amazing friends we’ve met. Someday we will be here for most of the year, but for now, we let our villa earn rental income and come as often as we can. Not often enough…”

Denis and Joe
Still Working Vacation in the DR, Rent Their Villa
…”Casa Linda is affordable luxury in paradise. The low cost of living (especially healthcare) makes retiring in the DR affordable and we CAN’T WAIT. We love coming to our villa and letting the world pass away by as we relax by our pool. We’ve made amazing friends who we look forward to seeing during our visits. We couldn’t be happier with Casa Linda…”

Pierre and Sheri
Retired, Spend 1/2 year in DR
“We bought our villa several years ago while we were still working. We put it in the rental program and let it pay for itself. Now we’ve retired and are enjoying our DR home 6-months a year! It’s snowing in Canada, but not here….! Casa Linda is a great community!”

Semi-retired, Spends 1/2 year in DR
…”I love my Casa Linda villa. It’s the easiest place to make friends. I look forward to coming every October and spending the winter golfing and hanging out on Cabarete Beach. It’s affordable for a single guy and I never run out of friends or things to do. I hate going home every March…”

Marjorie and Joe
Retired, Full Time in DR
…”out of all decisions made in the past , this is the best one yet…. A place where you would find many beaches minutes away, great food and activities. Living in Casa Linda is like living in a cocoon, where nothing but peace and tranquillity is always present….love it !”