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Health and Wellness in Dominican Republic Articles

Dominican Living: Focus on Healthcare

Are you in the process of considering making a permanent move abroad and researching ideal locations before house hunting? Thanks to its stable economy and infrastructure, as well as its affordable housing, the Dominican Republic has become a top favourite among...

Your Health Matters: Medical Care in the Dominican Republic

Medical Care in the Dominican Republic Are you planning to retire in the Dominican Republic in the coming future and feeling a little confused while researching some key details? Casa Linda is here to help! As a trusted builder on the northern end of the island, we’ve...

Dominican Republic Tourist Safety

Dominican Republic Tourist SafetyWith regard to recent news reports about tourist safety and suspicious deaths in Dominican Republic: Update:  June 22, 2019 - In a press conference, Dominican Republic Tourism Minister, Francisco Javier Garcia spoke out about recent...

Dental Work in Dominican Republic

  Dental Work  in Dominican RepublicDominican Republic is a  top “tooth tourism" destination, meaning people travel here specifically to get dental work done.  Dentistry is one of the well-studied subjects for those who attend Dominican universities. You can get great...

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