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Expat Life Articles

Fact or Fiction: What to Know About Moving to the Dominican Republic

If you’re in the early stages of planning to relocate to a warmer destination permanently, you’ve no doubt come to realize that choosing the perfect place to call home is not without its fair share of questions. While everyone has their own unique needs and wants as...

Residing in the Dominican Republic: What to Know About Moving

Are you fed up with endless snowstorms, busy commutes, and a fast-paced day to day routine that leaves you drained? Dreaming of the day you can leave it all behind and escape to paradise for good? If you’ve been contemplating taking the plunge and embracing expat life...

Discover the Joy of Full Time Caribbean Living With Casa Linda

Are you ready to make the exciting leap from part-time snowbird to full-time homeowner in paradise? For individuals looking to move abroad, the Dominican is an incredibly welcoming destination that offers foreign investors a relatively straight forward path for...

How To Buy A Home in the Dominican Republic

If you’re planning on embracing ex-pat life in the near future and relocating to the Dominican Republic, you liking have a few logistical questions about how to get your new life abroad started. Fortunately, buying a home in the Dominican Republic is a relatively...

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